TOPO U.K. and Ireland v4 Light
This recreational map has been compiled using the community generated OpenStreetMap (OSM) database to which Garmin added a 50-metre contour line layer, based on a public digital elevation model, and over 20 years of knowledge and skills in building electronic maps.
The resulting map can be used for orienteering and reference for any outdoor or recreational activities throughout UK and Ireland. These new maps include routable road, trail and path networks, waterway detail, place names, military areas, natural features, land use areas, historical sites, airport structures and points, buildings, emergency structures, power lines, railways and many points of interests (POI) including but not limited to tourism, sport, shops, public transport, leisure, craft and amenities.
/gmapsupp.img, length 723468288
Header: 19.11.2015 14:46:08, DSKIMG, XOR 00, V 4.00, Ms 0, 006-D4411-02
Mapset: TOPO UK & Ireland v4 Light
fat: 1000h - 1200h - 5C000h, block 16384
maps: 323, sub-files 644
Sub-file fat length
00004106 MDR 1200h 4978673
00004106 SRT 1600h 154286
I000100A TYP 1800h 103225
date 17.11.2015 16:03:08, CP 1252, PID 1, FID 4106
I1022A54 GMP 1A00h 3438210
map 1022a54 (16919124)
date 19.11.2015 09:24:05
priority 29, parameters 1 4 9 45, signed
levels [17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24], zoom [87,6,5,4,3,2,1,0]
N: 51.372199, S: 50.872149, W: 0.986581, E: 1.486630
UK & Ireland v4
Copyright 1995-2015 by GARMIN Corporation.
CP 65001, UTF8
TOPO UK & Ireland v4 Light.rar -1 RAR archive, unpacked size 723.468.288 bytes