Kenwood originaly map update method only for this map:
(Update first your Kenwood firmware - navigation software via Kenwood website)
Download original North-South maps. (Original maps in post #1, post #2)
Use a 16gb sd card
1. Format your sd (Fat 32) and make a new map in sd and rename to Garmin
2. Make a new folder in sd and rename to Map
3. Unlock map .img files and gmap3d.img with gimgunlock-0.04.exe Link:
4. Rename North gmapprom.img to gmapsupp.img and rename South gmapprom.img to D6210020A.img
5. Copy North map (gmapsupp.img) to Garmin folder with North-South additional files
6. Copy South map (D6210020A.img) map to Map folder
7. Start your navigation with this sd
You can using only Western Europa map with North-South additional files.
Dont forget use for jcv North-South Lane assist portrait full jcv files and use 37xx asr for your device If your navigation asr function have.
You can delete also gmap3d.img if this file don't work on your device.
(If you creating a map via gmap folder with mapinstall program than use first jetmouse. You need your device serial number. You can so map unlocking and creating for your device and this created map working only on your device)
Latest gmaptz.img (v19) here:
Latest gmapbmap.img (v5.01) here: -
If you need speedcameras for Kenwood than go here:
Hope this helps
(Update first your Kenwood firmware - navigation software via Kenwood website)
Download original North-South maps. (Original maps in post #1, post #2)
Use a 16gb sd card
1. Format your sd (Fat 32) and make a new map in sd and rename to Garmin
2. Make a new folder in sd and rename to Map
3. Unlock map .img files and gmap3d.img with gimgunlock-0.04.exe Link:
4. Rename North gmapprom.img to gmapsupp.img and rename South gmapprom.img to D6210020A.img
5. Copy North map (gmapsupp.img) to Garmin folder with North-South additional files
6. Copy South map (D6210020A.img) map to Map folder
7. Start your navigation with this sd
You can using only Western Europa map with North-South additional files.
Dont forget use for jcv North-South Lane assist portrait full jcv files and use 37xx asr for your device If your navigation asr function have.
You can delete also gmap3d.img if this file don't work on your device.
Sdcard:\\Garmin\gmapsupp.img (North map)
\ASR\.asr, .srx (from 37xx) - 18x files
\G2S\.g2s (from North-South) 2x files
\SID\.sid files (from North-South) - 8x files
\SQLite\.db (from North-South) - 2x files
\JCV\.jcv (Lane assist Portrait Full from North-South) - 2x files
\gmapbmap.img (5.01)
\gmaptz.img (v19)
Sdcard:\\Map\D6210020A.img (South map)
Latest gmaptz.img (v19) here:
Latest gmapbmap.img (v5.01) here: -
If you need speedcameras for Kenwood than go here:
Hope this helps