Since large* size animated flag for a country** takes large amount of space, I'm going to build ux for certain map regions. Vote for the region you need and I will make them in order of popularity. Poll will only be open for 2 weeks. This is for animated flag UX used in osiris4isis' Basarsoft skin
G20 countries are given at
* for hi-res devices where small animated flags are hard to see
** over 100+ countries
Sneak peek. Flag is at lower right.
Thanks to Catymag for snaps and help in testing.
G20 countries are given at
* for hi-res devices where small animated flags are hard to see
** over 100+ countries
Sneak peek. Flag is at lower right.
Spoiler: small flag
Spoiler: large flag
Thanks to Catymag for snaps and help in testing.