I purchased a Garmin GPSMAP 64st. I then purchased City Navigator North America NT from Garmin. After reading things here and there I see there were ways around buying it. Anyways I did, no big expense. I was a long time user of Mapsource with my eTrex VistaHCx. I now have Basemap installed on two different Windows10 PCs and see the same thing Im going to eventually get to. For years with Mapsource using several installed map products and now with Basecamp when I have my 64st hooked up, when I zoom back the map starts to loose little roads and other fine detail so the map isnt cluttered but can still see major interstates and so on as zooming out to see many states or the country to see the big picture. My Topo 24K is installed on the PC/Basecamp and the City Nav is only on the 64st as that is where it installed to when downloading from Garmin. I didnt want to always have to have the 64st plugged in to play with Basecamp and do pre trip planning. So I downloaded an unlocked version of City Nav North Amer NT and using mapper and gps toolkit installed it on to PC/Basecamp. When I zoom out with that mapset selected it seems normal up to 15mi, after that I lose the map altogether. I found that if I select highest detail I can keep the map as I zoom out but there is so much detail it is all super cluttered. So then I found gimgunlock and using that and mapper and gps toolkit was able to unlock my purchased img and install that onto the PC/Basecamp. That does the same thing. So my question is why when I select City Nav from the 64st when it is hooked up things zoom out nicely like Id expect and am used to, but when I select either City Nav installed on to the PC/Basecamp (regardless of if 64st is hooked up or not as it isnt accessing the maps on it) and try to zoom out I lose the map out past 15mi? Unless I crank the detail to max which clutters the heck out of the map.
Anyone else seeing this?
Anyone else seeing this?